Backyard Burning
Backyard Debris Burning is Open!
Hoodland Fire District Burn Line(503) 622-3256 [Option 1]
Know Before you Burn:
- Always call the Hoodland Fire District Burn Line (503) 622-3256 [Option 1] before you burn
- Burning is allowed for 5x5x5 piles without a permit during daylight hours
- Backyard debris include: wood, needle, or leaf material from trees, shrubs, or plants
- Consider recycling for paper, cardboard, etc. (Most recycling centers and waste disposal companies offer this service for free)
The following materials are PROHIBITED from being burned:

- Uncut grass, brush, or vegetation
- Rubber products
- Tires
- Plastics
- Paint
- Tar
- Asphalt
- Shingles
- Household garbage
- Petroleum & petroleum-treated materials
- Industrial waste
- Any material that creates dense smoke or noxious odors.
Concerns regarding fires:
- Call 9-1-1 to report a threatening hostile fire
- Smoke complaints contact DEQ at (503) 229-5393 or (888) 997-7888 or Click here to file a pollution complaint
- Slash Burning concerns contact the local ODF Office [Molalla] (503) 829-2216 or click here for Oregon Department of Forestry's website

Backyard burn piles must be constantly attended by a competent person, until the material is completely burned out or extinguished!

Small piles under 5ft. X 5ft. X 5ft: *NO PERMIT REQUIRED*
Small yard debris disposal fires (i.e. wood, needle, or leaf material from trees, shrubs, or plants) 5ft. X 5ft. X 5ft or smaller do not require a permit. Materials should be dry and not produce dense smoke or noxious odors. Burning needs to be completed between the hours of 8 am - 5 pm.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading. These may include a fire line around the burn area and having such items as a charged hose line or shovels or other fire tools available during the burn. Remember burn piles must be constantly attended by a competent person!
Large piles over 5ft. x 5ft. x 5ft: *PERMIT REQUIRED*
Large yard debris disposal fires (i.e. wood, needle, or leaf material from trees, shrubs, or plants) larger than 5ft. x 5ft. x 5ft. require an on-site inspection to receive a burn permit. To request an on-site inspection, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Materials should be dry and not produce dense smoke or noxious odors.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading. These may include a fire line around the burn area and having such items as a charged hose line or shovels or other fire tools available during the burn. Remember burn piles must be constantly attended by a competent person!

To request an on-site inspection for a large burn pile/piles (larger than 5ft. x 5ft. x 5ft.) please fill out the following information: *Permit is not required for small piles under 5 ft. x 5 ft. x 5 ft.*